get at───理解;意指;贿赂;到达;着手处理
go at───扑向;努力从事于
gets at───理解;意指;贿赂;到达;着手处理
goes at───扑向;努力从事于
gone at───扑向;努力从事于
got out───取出;熄灭;外出
got about───来往于;传遍;在...传开(getabout的过去式)
got by───通过
got in───进入
We got at him and found out all we wanted to know.───我们在他身上下功会,了解到了我们想了解的一切情况.
That scoundrel has been got at.───那个坏蛋已被收买.
She feels she's being got at.───她感到自己总是受人数落。
I was not boat race standard, but I got at the level of inter - college competition.───我的水平不够上标准的赛艇运动员, 不过达到了大学比赛的水平.
I have the bill here, so you can see exactly what I got at the grocer's.───我这里有帐单, 所以你可详细地了解我在食品店里都买了些什么.
He was much annoyed that the older boys constantly got at him.───那些比他大的男孩经常取笑他,这使他很烦恼.
Yes, I got at 9 o'clock this morning.───是的, 我今天早上9点钟起床.
We finally got at a ledge of rock near the summit.───我们最后到达了靠近峰顶的一块突出的岩崖.
One of the witnesses had been got at , eg bribed.───有一证人已被收买.
I give a blue ticket and a bladder that I got at the slaughter-house.───我给了一张蓝色票和一个从屠宰场弄来的尿泡。
We got at 2:00 a.m. from our company's bash.───我们2点才从公司的狂欢会回到家里.
The defendant claimed that the judge had been got at.───被告宣称法官已经受贿了.
An evident effect was got at 95℃.───随着温度的升高,去抑制作用的效果成倍增加,在95℃的效果尤其明显.
One of the witnesses had been got at.───一位证人曾受贿赂.
And clouds got at least ten different names. I say.───云至少有十个不同的名字. 我说.
if, when we went through this search tree, we never remembered what we got at the bottom, and we just re-computed things over and over.───如果当我们遍历完这棵树,我们不可能,记得我们在最下面得到什么结果,我们只是不断地重复计算,所以这让。
Be sure the private papers cannot be got at by curious eyes.───千万不要让好奇的人看到这些机密文件.
" I give a blue ticket and a bladder that I got at the slaughter - house. "───“ 我给他一张蓝色票和一只从屠宰厂那儿弄来的尿泡. ”
Be sure the private papers cannot be got at by curious eyes.
Jennifer:Listen preppie , I know you got at least a few brains .
She feels she's being got at.
He felt he was being got at by the other students.
We would got at the destination, Bowlder Mine at noon if no suddenness .
He's being got at.
It's a fake that I got at a street market on the cheap.
Look, what you've got at the present moment, Private Nobody, is a badly sprained ankle.
We got at 2:00 a.m. from our company's bash.
- got a poor
- got support
- gotha go-244
- got you beat
- got away
- got a cold
- got dark
- got cross
- got angry
- got a goal
- goths dna
- got a car
- gothic jazz dance
- gothic definition
- got out of
- got wet
- got a top
- got wiki
- got sauce
- got some new
- got back to