

词汇 觉得很无聊用英语怎么说
释义 觉得很无聊用英语怎么说

I feel bored




Instead of going to work thinking that it will be totally boring, try to be positive.───不要一边去上班一边想着工作太无聊,要积极一些。

Future generations are going to think that we were a pretty boring lot.───未来几代人会觉得我们无趣乏味得很。

She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs.───她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。

At work, he was chained to a system of boring meetings.───上班时,他淹没在枯燥乏味的会海中。

Usually, the work is boring.───这项工作通常枯燥乏味。

The summer days wore on and life returned to its boring routine.───夏天的时光已经流逝,生活又恢复了昔日的无聊。

All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.───他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。

Be vigilant against the danger of enemy agents infiltrating the government and boring from within.───要警惕敌特渗入政府内部进行暗中破坏.

He is a boring person.───他是个令人讨厌的人.

His speeches are boring.───他的演讲单调乏味.


I found this novel boring.

His writing style is now boring and outdated.

"Am I boring you?" she asked anxiously.

Many diets fail because they are boring.

That was boring, wasn't it?

Every boring hour in life is unique.

I'm not boring you, am I?

Try not to make the diet boring.

Even the most boring times in life are limited.

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  • belaboring means
  • how boring
  • feel boring
  • never boring
  • it is so boring
  • its boring
  • it is boring
  • they are boring
  • neighboring states
  • are boring




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