

词汇 eat lunch
释义 eat lunch
eat lunch发音



cut lunch───(可携带的)盒装午餐,便餐

set lunch───午餐套餐

hearty lunch───丰盛的午餐

healthy lunch───健康午餐

box lunch───盒饭;盒装午餐

pub lunch───酒吧午餐

to lunch───去吃午饭


It was getting on towards the time of day when they would eat lunch.───当他们想吃午饭的时候,已接近白天.


I eat lunch at 12:00 at noon.───5我吃午饭在中午十二点.

Do you always eat lunch at school?───你总是在学校吃午饭 吗 ?

Families usually eat lunch together.───家人经常在一起吃午饭。

Finally, a friend suggested that they go to eat lunch, and Schaefer gladly went with him.───最后, 一位朋友建议他去吃午饭, 谢弗欣然同往.

You do eat lunch when you're not knee - deep in adult movies, right?───你不看黄片的时候会出去吃饭的对 吧 ?

Annie and Joseph have decided to eat lunch at a London pub.───安妮和约瑟夫决定去一间伦敦酒吧吃午餐.

I am so hungry that I have got to eat lunch soon.───我非常的饿,以致于必须马上去吃午餐.

Eat lunch or be lunch? Go big or go home? Swim or sink?───享用午餐还是成为午餐? 成就辉煌还是默默回家? 畅泳还是沉下?

Many brown baggers eat lunch in their staff room.───许多人在员工休息室吃他们自己带来的午餐.

We provide staff with a kitchen full of food, which enables them to eat lunch (and breakfast, and snacks) at our expense.───我们给员工提供了一个食物丰富的厨房,由我们出钱供他们吃午餐(和早餐、快餐)。

The chicks eat lunch with the witch.───小鸡们和巫婆一起吃午餐。

In some stores, you can even eat lunch or dinner in a restaurant.───在有些百货商店, 你甚至可以在其中的餐馆里吃午餐或晚餐.


The stable hands eat lunch in the tack room.

Let her eat lunch and then give her a mild tranquilliser.

We went to eat lunch in a restaurant frequented by poorly paid clerks and secretaries and, no doubt, messengers.

Often an informal group will eat lunch near a machine or other work station, even though a canteen is available.

Back at the academy, they eat lunch at 2 and are on the court from 2.30-6.30.

Senior citizens eat lunch there every day.

And, the survey shows, men are more likely than women to eat lunch at a sit-down restaurant.

What time does he eat lunch?

The overlap also allows the children to eat lunch in school and play together.

  • eat poopoo
  • eating along
  • eat dirt
  • eat then all
  • eat drink
  • eat on fish
  • eat lunch
  • eat the rice
  • eat my shit
  • eating habit
  • eat yourself
  • eat noodles
  • eat the pish
  • eat a lot
  • eat crow
  • eat popcorn
  • eat your words
  • eating house
  • eat a cake
  • eat some bananas
  • eat some fruit




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