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词汇 dividing up
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divvying up───分摊

dividing off───分隔开;分开

bidding up───出高价

dialing up───拔号

digging up───挖出;掘起;开垦;发现

dishing up───起锅,分盛;把食物装盘,盛在盘中端上

divide up───瓜分;分割;分配

divided up───瓜分;分割;分配

divides up───瓜分;分割;分配


Dividing up the globe, online game style.───对全球性在线游戏进行划分。

He shows that there is no logical basis for dividing up the right to pollute among nation states.───他表示,在国家间分配污染额度这种做法没有任何逻辑基础。

Day 11: Dividing Up The Rest and Finishing Our Time budget.───第十一天:分割剩余时间完成时间预算。

Perhaps the most painful part of any business relationship is dividing up the cake between partners.───在所有商业关系中,最让人痛苦的或许是合伙人之间分蛋糕的事情。

The local group connection among the mobile stations facilitates dividing up the communication in this manner.───移动站之间的本地群连接便于以这样的方式划分通信。

In dividing up the landlord's property, the Party team encouraged "broadness of mind" and that each household take only what they needed.───在分配地主的财物时,党的工作队鼓励“心胸开阔”,每个家庭只拿他们所需要的。

Women are more likely to feel vindictive than men when it comes to dividing up possessions after a divorce, research has showed.───英国最新公布的一份研究报告显示,在一对夫妇办完离婚手续开始分割财产时,女性比男性更有可能产生报复对方的心态。

A failure to develop the founder's business, together with disputes over dividing up the spoils, usually does in most family firms.───在大多数家族企业中,后代无力发展始创者的生意,同时又在瓜分家产之时大肆争夺的状况经常出现。


" They've finished dividing up the property.

He said that dividing up the company would make the units more profitable.

They undertake risk commonly, dividing up the power of control and sharing the surplus income.

One problem is that we may have no clear criterion for dividing up the workforce into classes and strata.

BOS is about creating new land , not dividing up the existing land.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood acted quickly to reallocate those funds — dividing up more than $1 billion among California, Florida and 12 other states.





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