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词汇 committing crimes
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commit a crime───犯罪;犯下罪行

commuting time───通勤时间

computer crimes───计算机犯罪

committing magistrates───执行治安法官

admitting offices───住院部

commitment fees───承诺费(commitmentfee的复数形式)

committal order───交付令


They face charges of committing crimes against humanity.───他们面临犯有反人类罪的指控。

He was a sort of shocked as if I ran through the streets committing crimes.───他似乎愣了一下,似乎我横闯大街犯罪了一样。

Nowadays, the adolescents' committing crimes has become a headache to the whole society.───现今,青少年犯罪已成为一件另全社会及政府头疼的事。

He took delight in committing crimes and got no conscience at all.───翻译他以犯罪取乐,毫无良知感可言。

Colonel Gaddafi's son is wanted by the ICC on charges of committing crimes against humanity during the early stages of the Libyan uprising.───卡扎菲上校的儿子已被国际刑事法庭通缉,被指控在比利亚暴动早期犯有反人类罪。

Officers should also act with restraint before freezing the account of an operating firm suspected of committing crimes, according to Zheng.───对涉嫌犯罪企业的正常经营账户要慎用冻结措施。

Judicial workers committing crimes stipulated in the above paragraph by abusing their authority are to be severely punished.───司法工作人员滥用职权,犯前款罪的,从重处罚。

What are the chances that sleepwalkers committing crimes or doing anything extraordinary?───梦游的人犯罪或做其他反常的事情的机会有多大?。


The mentally ill are also committing crimes.

In his poem "For the Time Being, " W. H. Auden notes that "every crook will argue: 'I like committing crimes; God likes forgiving them. Really the world is admirably arranged.

Now the Government is taking action to stop offenders committing crimes whilst on bail.

They face charges of committing crimes against humanity.

No evidence exists to implicate Lord Ashcroft in committing crimes.

The General was accused of committing crimes against humanity.

  • committing criminal
  • committing crimes




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