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词汇 come to life
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苏醒过来; 表现生动; 变得活跃; 振作起来


come to light───暴露;真相大白;众所周知

come online───开始工作;上线

true to life───逼真的

come to blows───开始互殴

come to grief───遭难,失败

come to grips───(认真)对付(或处理)

domestic life───家庭生活


All these flowers come to life when the rains come.───下雨之后,所有这些花儿都将恢复生机.

drowned man can not come to life.───淹死的人不能复活了。

Superstitious activities have come to life again recently.───近来,封建迷信活动又死灰复燃了.

Fairy tales come to life in Belgium and France.───童话在比利时和法国变成现实。

The quiet girl has come to life since she worked as a saleswoman.───那个少言寡语的姑娘自从当上售货员后变得活跃起来.

At this point, your personas should be starting to come to life.───从这时开始, 你创建的人物角色们应该开始变得生动逼真起来.

Adding some brillant lighting systems a boring booth come to life.───增添一些鲜亮的照明系统后,单调沉闷的展位顿显生机盎然.

Wei Fang's coming to our class made our class come to life.───魏芳的到来使我们班活跃起来.

Meanwhile , as spring advanced, the flowers in the seed ranch began to come to life.───春深了, 苗圃里的花草又苏醒过来了.

But as the door banged, she seemed to come to life again.───可是当门“砰”地关上的时候, 她好像又清醒过来了.

Bethune examined it with the excitement of a man watching a dream come to life.───白求恩怀着一个眼看着梦想变成现实的人的兴奋心情,巡视了它.

His partisans argued that, as he made history come to life, his factual errors were inconsequential.───他的支持者辩称, 既然他让历史显得逼真, 他那些事实错误就是无关紧要的.

He made the ghost story come to life.───他把那个鬼的故事讲得活灵活现.

The dull party finally come to life when the band arrived.───这个无趣的派对在乐队达到后终于有生气了.

I love to watch everything come to life spring.───我喜欢看到春天万象更新.

A young girl's childhood memories come to life as she thumbs through her family photograph album.───一个年轻女孩翻阅着家庭相册,记忆中的事物重回眼前.

Can the dead come to life?───死人能复活吗?

The question is why neither Orwell's nor Huxley's nightmares have come to life.───问题是为什么Orwell和Huxley的噩梦都没有成真.

Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.───心心相印的朋友是使生活变得真实的朋友.


All seeds only come to life once having been buried.

This college has come to life and advanced considerably under the direction of its very live wire Rector Mr Jocelyn Stevens. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

His partisans argued that, as he made history come to life, his factual errors were inconsequential.

Soap opera had come to life within touching distance.

About the life-matches that had been brewed here, come to life under this moon, and these rough-hewn walls.

Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.

I love to watch everything come to life spring.

He made the ghost story come to life.

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