

词汇 agricultural revolution
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agricultural production───[农]农业生产

Cultural Revolution───文化大革命

Great Cultural Revolution───文化大革命

agricultural college───农学院

agricultural colleges───农学院

agricultural produce───农产品

agricultural run-off───农业流失

digital revolution───数字革命

industrial revolution───工业革命,产业革命


general tendency of scale movement is the optimal scale. The agricultural management scale in China now faces a new revolution.───规模运动有运行和变动两种方式,一般趋势是最适规模。

Such a revolution will require a wholesale realignment of priorities in agricultural research.───这种革新将大规模地对农业研究的优先权进行重新整合。

The agricultural revolution favored people lucky enough to have gene variants that helped them digest milk, alcohol, and starch.───农业革命,喜欢的人幸运,有基因变种,帮助他们消化牛奶,酒精和淀粉。

Western forests have been managed since the Enlightenment, but they never went through the agricultural revolution.───西方的林业自启蒙时代以来就处于有效的管理之下,但是却从未经历过农业革命。

Europeans would eventually borrow Chinese innovations like the plow and experience an agricultural revolution.───欧洲人随后终于引入中国的发明创新如耕犁和农改经验。

He failed to anticipate how the agricultural revolution would increase food production.───但他没能料到农业革命能如此大规模地提高粮食产量。

All this changed with the agricultural revolution.───这一切全因农业革命而改变。

Thus, they were initiator and promoter of agricultural revolution, and became the backbone for economic transition of England.───他们是农业革命的发起人和推动者,是英国经济转型的中坚力量。


Any fundamental historical changes like those wrought during the Agricultural Revolution involve both gain and loss.

The other was an agricultural revolution based on chemical fertilizers, irrigation, and improved seed strains that dramatically expanded food supplies.

The other ingredient of the first modern agricultural revolution was the industrial revolution.

As the eighteenth century wore on, an agricultural revolution took place.

  • agricultural waste
  • agricultural engineering
  • agricultural laborer
  • agricultural bank
  • agricultural land
  • agricultural density
  • agricultural technology
  • agricultural zones
  • agricultural machinery
  • agricultural implements




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