

词汇 signing up
释义 signing up
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shinning up───闪闪发光

signing out───签名登记离开;用签名记录离开的时间

skinning up───制作大麻香烟(英,非正式)

spinning up───自旋向上;加快自旋

bigging up───v.大肆夸赞;尊重

digging up───挖出;掘起;开垦;发现

lining up───排队

rigging up───安装钻机

signing in───签到;注册;登记;签收


trouble is, signing up is voluntary.───问题是签约是自愿的。

But more people than expected are signing up.───但是预定的人比预想的多。

His sales force is signing up schools at the rate of 25 a day.───他的销售人员正以每天25个的速度和多所学校签约。

Others are starting up new businesses or signing up to volunteer to help bedridden seniors and working mothers with young children.───另一些人创建新的企业,或登记成为志愿者,帮助卧床不起的老人和带小孩的上班妈妈。

Before signing up for the class, she said, she'd sampled Mr. Cohen's first lecture online -- and she'd googled him.───她说自己在注册这门课前,专门试听了科恩放在网上的第一堂课,还在谷歌(google)上搜索他的信息。

Note that signing up for an email subscription from Dell is not the same as signing up for a My Account.───请注意,从戴尔的电子邮件订阅签署不签署了我的帐户相同。

He thought I was signing up for a drawing class in order to see nude girls. He didn't want to be corrected.───他以为我为了去看裸体姑娘而报名了一个美术课。

Observers say borrowers who took such teaser rates often did not understand what they were signing up for.───观察人士说,接受这类钓饵利率的贷款人往往不懂他们签押的到底是什么。

Indeed, differentiating oneself in today's job market has been a motivating factor for students signing up for these programs.───的确,想要在当今的就业市场上脱颖而出是激励学生们去参加这些海外实习项目的动因。


Tyler wasn't interested in signing up for midget football.

The Flat Earth Society must be successfully signing up members in the Capitol rotunda.

Agents are accused of misleading clients into signing up for savings plans that were actually insurance policies.

I'm thinking of signing up for a yoga course.

In the old days, signing up and connecting a new customer in a medium-sized city would be a costly exercise.

The agency duped him into signing up for £150 worth of lessons.

I am active application signing up holds a post to the country.

Many business school graduates are signing up furiously with management consulting firms.

I suspect it is the larger farmers signing up and throwing the smaller farmers to the vultures.

  • signing up for
  • signing you in
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  • signing a celebrity and using
  • signing on fee
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