My Master and Mistress must not ask the impossible.───我的男主人和女主人千万别强求它无法办到的事.
The door curtain was pushed aside and the Venerable Master Kao entered, followed by Mistress Chen.───老太爷也揭了门帘从他的房里出来,陈姨太跟在后面.
Does his wife know he has a mistress?───他的妻子知道他有一个情妇 吗 ?
Mistress Chen assented and went out, leaving Chuehhui standing alone before his grandfather.───陈姨太答应一声走出去了, 剩下他面对面地站在祖父的面前.
Although sometimes tolerable and forgivable, taking a mistress is regarded as immoral in all countries.───尽管人们对包二奶有时能够容忍和原谅, 但在所有国家,人们都认为养情妇是不道德的.
Europe, to repeat the quip of the day , had lost a mistress and gained a master.───再用当时的一句妙语来说,欧洲失去了一个主妇,却得到了一个主人.
We had a very good mathematics mistress who pulled me up.───我们有个很出色的女数学老师,她帮我提高了水平。
She was reportedly his mistress for many years.───据说她是他多年的情妇.
A distressed mistress has suppressed the witnessed stiffness of the harness.───一个痛苦的主妇抑制了有旁证的玩具的硬度.
Bertha, as you know, is her own mistress and responsible for her acts to no one.───如你所知道的, 伯莎是她自己的主人,她对自己的行为不向任何人负责.
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