

词汇 costume designing
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How to use the effect of illusion into the costume designing to make the costume fittable and graceful is well studied on this paper.───错觉这种生理、心理现象,如何利用视错效应在服装设计中的运用,使设计制作的服装适体美。

registered trademark of our company is Aojing Our company is a big garment enterprise which combines costume designing, production and marketing into one single entity.───公司注册品牌为“奥劲”,是一家集服装设计、制造与销售为一体的大型服装企业。

Based on the costume designing of music drama Butterfly, this paper discusses, in artistic creation, how to make imago expression assorting with spirit of drama.───结合音乐剧《蝶》的服装设计,谈艺术创作中意象与形象的关系,以及从意象转化为形象的艰难过程。

According to Kai Lang, she has always been looking for the key elements in costume-designing in her daily life.───按她的话说是要去寻找生活中的服装元素。

Kai Lang went for costume-designing, but instead of finding a stable job, she spent tons of money on travelling.───开朗学的是服装设计,毕业后没有找固定的工作,而是花了不少时间到处旅游。

The practice of teaching plays a rather important role in higher costume designing education.───实践教学在高等服装教育具有相当重要的作用。

In the 1980s, she began costume designing for television and film, and has won two Emmy awards.───上世纪80年代,她开始为电视和电影设计服装,并且两次夺得艾美奖。

Persisting in Three Combinations, developing the personnel of costume designing with innovatory abilities───坚持三个结合,培养具有创新能力的服装设计人才

A Comparative Study of Sino-foreign Costume Designing Education───中外服装设计教育之比较

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